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Just this side of heaven is a place called the Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends, so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour;
those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing:
they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers.
Suddenly he begins to break away from the group,
flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head,
and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet,
so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW x Stanroph Endelwood Natasha JW, SGWC
28th September 2007 – 3rd August 2022
Demi has to be one of the sweetest dogs I have ever owned. Not a nasty bone in her body, but not very bright either! She was another Carolake who won her first class at a championship show - Scottish Kennel Club under Lynn Kipps. She had a wonderful show career and was a pleasure to campaign. She was mated to Willowlawn Entent Cordial in 2010 and produced 10 wonderful puppies. Sadly this was her only litter and after a pyometra it was discovered she had cystic ovaries which explained her inability to get pregnant again. Sadly I did not keep from her first litter - wrongly assuming there would be more, but it was not to be. She had many notable wins in the show ring, one being a 4th at Crufts under Henric Frystrand. Demi almost made it to her 15th birthday and it was a very sad day when we were forced to say "goodbye".
Sh Ch Goldenquest Ambassador JW ex Carolake Hide And Seek JW
13th March 2009 - 30th December 2017
Bliss began her show career in style by winning Minor Puppy Bitch at her very first show, qualifying for Crufts on her first outing. She took her Junior Warrant after only 11 weeks in the ring - something of a record at Carolake.
Amongst her many achievements in the ring, some of the highlights were 2nd in the Puppy Bitch class at Crufts 2010, Reserve Challenge Certificate at Windsor Championship Show 2012, and Challenge Certificate at Bournemouth Championship Show 2013.
Bliss also excelled in the field, being both fearsome and fearless when it came to catching running pheasants. In December 2012 she gained her Show Gundog Working Certificate along with he Kennel Club Good Citizens Award. She truly was "fit for function".
Sh Ch Shardanell All That Jazz JW ex Carolake Fancy That SGWC, WGC
5th December 2009 - 16th January 2017
Tumble was my much longed for Fancy daughter. Her main achievements were in the field, but she also made her mark in the show world by winning both her classes under Dr Larry Walker at National Gundog championship show in August and being declared Best Puppy in Breed, qualifying her for Crufts 2011. This also opened up the possibility of her taking her Show Gundog Working Certificate, which she passed with flying colours.
Tumble also enjoyed a spell of stardom when she was chosen for the part of "Sandy" in Highcliffe Charity Players production of Annie. Directed by my daughter, Katie, Tumble attended most rehersals and all performances, wow-ing audiences with her calm disposition on the stage and her obvious delight in all the cuddles she got from the cast.
Pandreft Playing The Game ex Carolake Flirting Around
21st May 2005 - 22nd September 2016
Puzzle's role in life was that of clown, nursemaid and working dog. She was only ever been lightly shown, but made up for it with all the other things in life that she achieved. She proved to be a devoted and careful "auntie" to all the litters at Carolake, stepping into the role of nanny whenever required.
Puzzle's working abilities secured her place in the household. She joined the picking-up team in 2007, showing herself to be soft mouthed and hard working, was invaluable as the older dogs enjoyed their semi-retirement.
This pretty little dog had a heart of gold, and although she could be quite naughty she was also extremely nice and a pleasure to live with.
Ch Xanthos Black Thorn JW ex Stanroph Endelwood Natasha JW, SGWC, ShCM
7th June 2003 - 12th March 2016
Fancy was only ever lightly shown, but achieved wins under both breed specialists and all-rounders and gained her Stud Book Number, also being placed 2nd and 3rd in her classes at Crufts 2005. However, her main love in life was been working on the shoots and she was never happier than when out picking up. She was one of only a handful of show Goldens to have passed both the first and second stages of the Working Gundog Test.
She produced two litters and her daughter Tumble (Carolake Mind Over Matter) stayed at Carolake and followed in her mother s footsteps in the field. She had an exquisite nature and willingness to please that made her a very special girl.
Linoaks Highasakite ex Stanroph Endelwood Natasha JW, SGWC, ShCM
5th May 2006 - 23rd November 2013
Heidi, Nina's second daughter, was a singleton pup who was doted on by her resident aunties and her devoted mother. An exuberant, confident puppy with not a care in the world, she grew into a natural show girl, brimming with personality and more than happy to strut her stuff in the ring.
Heidi had a spectacular show career. She gained her Junior Warrant at just 12 1/2 months - even sooner than her mother. She won consistently at the highest level, and was awarded the Scotangus Of Mossburn Annual Trophy by Southern Golden Retriever Society in 2008, beating the opposition by a couple of hundred points. Nina, Heidi's dam, won this trophy twice during her open show career.
Heidi produced two litters and her daughters Bliss (Carolake Love and Kisses JW) and Pippa (Carolake Party Games JW) have emulated their mother s success in the show ring.
Shazeldon Love in the Soul JW ex Stanroph Sailors Fantasy
11th December 2000 - 24th November 2011
Nina was my foundation bitch and all of the current Carolake Goldens are descended from her. She enjoyed a long and successful show career, winning three RCCs, her
Show Certificate of Merit and numerous BIS and RBIS at open show level. She gained her Junior Warrant at just 14 months, and then became the first Golden Retriever ever
to win through to the finals of the Pet Plan Junior Stakes. In 2004 she also qualified for the Pro Dog Breed Stakes Final, where she was short-listed to the last four.
Alongside her many wins, Nina proved that she had brains as well as beauty. She achieved her Show Gundog Working Certificate and was a regular member of my picking-up
team at Gurston Down in Wiltshire, proving her worth on pheasant and partridge. Nina passed her Kennel Club Good Citizens Bronze Test, and was also a registered Pets As
Therapy Dog.
Nina produced three litters and her daughters Fancy (Carolake Fancy That), Heidi (Carolake Hide And Seek JW) and Demi (Carolake In Demand JW) have all followed in their
mother's footsteps.
Steval Soul Singer ex Tonara Memphis Belle
5th March 1999 - 14th May 2011
Although only ever lightly shown, Freya did have some successes in the show ring and qualified for Crufts under Freda Marshall at South Wales KC in 2000.
Freya found her true calling in the field and was invaluable as a picking-up dog. She was a regular member of the team at the Gurston Down, Rockstead and Ashley Clinton
shoots. She was in her element hunting up runners and her nose was superb. She never hesitated to retrieve even the most unusual quarry, including this completely new,
and hitherto unseen, breed of duck (pictured left) that appeared in the woods at Ashley Clinton on Beater's Day 2008!
Outside the shooting season, Freya was in the cards at a number of working tests, most notably winning a Novice Dog/Novice Handler test at Berkshire
Downs & Chilterns GRC in September 2005.
Sadly in May 2001, Freya began refusing all food and no medication was going to put right what was wrong. We had to make the sad decision to let her go to the Rainbow
Bridge, to play with our others and wait for us to join them.
Cattrysse Mr Rochester ex Brannaker Cheekaboo
23rd April 1993 - August 2005
Lottie was bought for my daughter Katie to use as a Junior Handling dog, for which she was excellent. She would happily stand for hours, but could see no good reason why she should
have to run round the ring. Consequently her showing career was short-lived. Lottie enjoyed a life of repose punctuated by occasional bouts of puppy-sitting. She made a very good
Sadly in August 2005 we had to make the hard decision to let Lottie go to the Rainbow Bridge to save her from further suffering. She was such a character and had a fine sense of humour.
I can still picture her lying flat on her back with all four feet in the air completely motionless. When you said "Oh Lottie - you're the wrong way up" she would gently wag the very tip
of her tail to show her amusement that you, too, understood the game! She is very sadly missed.
Ch Canaleigh and Can It Be ex Cattrysse Whistling Lady
13th April 1993 - 19th May 2004
Mulberry missed most of his puppy career in the show ring due to health problems, but did his fair share of winning through his career. He won a Post Grad class of 36 at WELKS under
Mrs M Dawson in 1997 which qualified him for Crufts. As a Veteran he has won several BVIS. He loved his gundog training, but unfortunately never overcame his fear of gunfire so was never
able to compete in any tests. He would have happily "picked up" all day provided the game was brought down with a catapult!
He was my first "proper" show dog and was the most devoted companion. He loved his walks in the Forest and, when he could, wallowing in the mud.
On the 19th May 2004 I had to make the hardest decision. Six and a half months after being diagnosed with a growth on his spleen and cardiomyopathy, which ruled out any sort of operation,
eruptions in his hind pad were making walking impossible for him. The vet came and with the sun on his back and my arms around him, we put him to sleep on the back lawn. His ashes were
buried under his very own mulberry tree. Life will never be quite the same again.
2022 Carolake Golden Retrievers
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